A growing movement of young rabbinic couples building pluralistic Jewish communities out of their homes through Shabbat and holiday hospitality, Jewish learning, and community service
Using the home as a convening point for Jewish religious and communal life, Base ignites a growing network of people (more than 8,000) who celebrate, learn, and serve together. In an effort to increase Jewish engagement among young adults, the young rabbinic couples leading the Bases open their homes for Shabbat, holidays, learning, and community service. Base is a response to the drop-off problem that occurs as young adults transition from college to mature adulthood, when many of the programs to engage in Judaism no longer exist. Rabbis are empowered to embrace their traditional roles while reimagining what their “pulpit” looks like. They are community organizers, mentors, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, neighbors, and friends, all in the service of reaching young Jews outside of synagogues and in their own homes. These relationships help young adults explore religion, ponder deep questions about significant life choices, celebrate achievements, and honor life’s inevitable losses and changes.
Most people probably haven’t hung out on their rabbi’s couch or eaten Shabbat dinner at their kitchen table.
Base rabbis value the intimacy that comes along with inviting the community into their home, into their family, into their lives...and into their kitchens. Regular in-home programing includes seders, holiday parties, mezuzah- making workshops, Jewish music, intro to Hebrew classes, and interfaith meals with Catholic and Muslim neighbors. Ongoing community service is done outside
of the home at local food pantries and soup kitchens but
in the same community. Base rabbis are from across the denominational spectrum, making Judaism accessible
to a variety of people. Base communities are found in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, and Berlin. In 2018, a second base is opening in Chicago and a Base in Ithaca will be added to the roster. While many programs remove people from their daily lives and utilize travel, movement, or journey to connect, Base focuses on helping Jews find an anchor and a place to come home to.
New York -
Population Served
20s & 30s -
Program Area(s)
Community Building -
Life Cycle Stage
Mezzanine -
Faith Leener -
Email -
704-737-5880 -
Website -
TheBaseMovement -
2015 -
Board Chair
Tina Price -
2017 Expenses
$520,000 -
Project of
Hillel International Office of Innovation -
Parent Org Founded