The Elaine Breslow Institute at Beit T’Shuvah

Helping Jews overcome addiction and begin their healing journey.
In the Jewish community and beyond, the struggle with addiction is deeply stigmatized and buried in shame. The mission of the Spiritual Counseling Training program of the Elaine Breslow Institute at Beit T’Shuvah is to transmit knowledge about the spiritual roots of addiction to clergy, educators, community leaders, social workers and other communal professionals. Many of the program’s online resources use Jewish texts and traditions that explore human brokenness in order to offer a roadmap for healing and transformation.
Every single community leader trained by Spiritual Counseling is empowered to de-stigmatize addiction, start meaningful conversations, and support struggling individuals. While the Spiritual Counseling Training and its residential treatment center is based in Los Angeles, the program is designed for virtual engagement, even prior to the start of COVID-19, which has exacerbated addiction and substance abuse. At a time of when the world feels increasingly fragile, the Spiritual Counseling Training program is a vital lifeline. Former residents of Beit T’Shuvah have shared, “Thank you for saving my life.” As more rabbis, educators and other community leaders become equipped to support those struggling with addiction, the Spiritual Counseling Training Program believes it will have a transformative impact in the Jewish community for years to come.
National -
Population Served
Educators Institutional Leadership Jewish Professionals -
Program Area(s)
Professional Development Spirituality Addiction/Recovery -
Life Cycle Stage
Legacy -
Kathryn Vischjager -
Email -
(310)204-5200 -
Website -
BeitTShuvah -
beittshuvah -
8831 Venice Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90034 -
Year Founded
2018 -
Board Chair
Janice Kamenir-Reznik -
2020 Budget