This month, we are spotlighting a groundbreaking organization in the Jewish End-of-Life space, Shomer Collective. Inspired by Jewish wisdom, values, and practice, their mission is to improve end-of-life experiences for individuals and their families. Shomer Collective envisions a world where conversations around death and dying are open, honest, and not nearly as hard as we fear.
In the wake of October 7th, their work has taken on new meaning.
Just one part of their important work involves convening Jewish organizations, community leaders, and a variety of professionals and volunteers working in the Jewish end-of-life field. The reConvening is a rare virtual gathering where hundreds of individuals come together to learn about the most recent initiatives in the Jewish end-of-life space, envision solutions to shared barriers, and make vital connections across the many fields and hands doing this sacred work. Join the reConvening Tuesday, February 6th, 2024.
A second place where Shomer Collective brings Jewish wisdom in a new and refreshing way is in the arena of Advance Care Planning, through a signature offering of theirs called What Matters: Caring Conversations About End of Life. While the legal developments of designating proxies or sharing medical wishes may feel new, Jewish wisdom has much to share on the topics! Through grounding us in Jewish wisdom and practices, these difficult conversations with our loved ones can become easier–and our healthcare journeys smoother. What Matters sessions are held quarterly, and upcoming sessions can be found on their website.
Our final highlight is a brave and vulnerable space that Shomer Collective creates each season called Death Over Dinner: Jewish Edition.

Conversations around death and planning for the end of life don’t need to be solemn affairs - they can be shared over a delicious meal or a joyful dessert! Death Over Dinner: Jewish Edition is a structured conversation with a unique goal to build and strengthen our personal beliefs about life and death. Attend this enriching virtual evening by yourself or with a friend, and gain the tools to host your own.