The Day
Slingshot Day is a rare opportunity to convene and create solutions around the issues affecting Jewish innovation today.
Slingshot Day experiments with the principles of network building and collective impact with a human-centered approach, giving stakeholders the opportunity to participate in open dialogue and achieve greater results.
Who Is It For?
Slingshot Day brings together the funders and organizations invested in innovation in Jewish life. We welcome Next-Gen funders, funders of innovation, and organizations in the current Slingshot guides.
If you have questions as to whether or not you qualify please email us at
See you next year!
Sign up for updates and be notified when Slingshot Day 2018 is announced.
2017 Speakers
Highlights from Slingshot Day 2017 include:
- Sharna Goldseeker, Executive Director, 2164, in conversation with Slingshot Board Members: Sarah Rueven and Jenna Weinberg about her new book, Generation Impact
- Mamie Kanfer Stewart, Board Chair and Stosh Cotler, Executive Director, Bend the Arc
- “Leading Your Community Through the Moment” with Abby Porth, Executive Director of Jewish Community Relations Council
- Scenario Planning with Coby Lerner, Slingshot Board Member
- “The Art of Adaptation,” a hands on workshop with UpStart
- Sessions by Slingshot 2017 Featured Organizations including JLens, The Well, Leading Edge, At the Well
- Facilitated Conversations Around Jewish Philanthropy and Innovation
Rabbi Adina Allen
Gali Cooks
Stosh Cotler
Taylor Epstein
Tzivia Schwartz-Getzug
Sharna Goldseeker
Julie Hammerman
Aziza Hasan
Rabbi Dan Horwitz
Mamie Kanfer Stewart
Jeff Kasowitz
Aaron Katler
David Katznelson
Coby Lerner
Abigail Michelson-Porth
Stephanie Rapp
Sue Reinhold
Sarah Reuven
Bethany Shiner
Sarah Waxman
Mordy Walfish
Jenna Weinberg
Samantha Zellman
2017 Host Committee
Danielle Foreman
Eric Belsky
Sarah Rueven
Danielle Raiffe
Lyla Holdstein
Sarah Persitz
2017 Agenda
- 8:30 am
Registration opens
- 9:00 am
- 9:45 am
"Generation Impact: How Next-Gen Donors are Revolutionizing Giving"
- 10:45 am
- 11:15 am
From Wait and See to Action
"Leveraging Your Unique Contribution to Social Change" - 12:15 am
Gather on the Green
- 12:30 pm
Lunch and Farm Tours (Optional)
- 1:30 pm
Gather on the Green
- 1:45 pm
For Your Innovation Toolbox
- "Leading Your Community Through the Moment"
- "Scenario Planning"
- "Pivoting in this Moment"
- "The Art of Adaptation: Designing for Change in the Jewish Landscape"
- "Impact Investing as a Tactic to Repair the World"
- 3:00 pm
- 3:30 pm
Nurture Sessions
- "Leadership"
- "Spiritual Technologies to Change the World and Heal Yourself"
- "Creating Change Through Art"
- "Building Bridges and Creating Communities"
- "What Can Judaism Offer Us in This Moment?"
- 4:30 pm